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The Flaming wolf

For this painting we had to use watercolor painting, a new style that we have learned. I really liked the way my painting turned out. It was based off of a wolf but it needed to be abstract so it was based off of something but not looking realistic. My color options I knew from the beginning, I wanted something in the back that complimented the color of the wolf. so I chose blue and it really makes the wolf pop out.The color of the wolf I wanted yellow and make it look like a warmer toan. With the color of the wolf I didn't want it to have a lot of texture and make it look super real but otherwise kinda flat. One thing that I don't really like is the way the flame on the dog looks with the color I choose and I should have made it darker. I wanted it to look more real and have somewhat of a tone to it but it was difficult for me to make a darker red/orange to blend it well. I also wanted somewhat of a balance between the red/orange and wanted it to look flush but that was kinda hard also. I wanted to do a pattern with the outline of the dog and the accents in the lines and I liked the way that turned out, and overall like my painting a lot and think it turned out well but I could have overall done better

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